domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

Renovaciones para 2017 en SUGARDELTA

Renewal Rules
  • Deadline for members to send renewal to their HQ: 30th September 2016
  • Deadline for the local HQ’s to send renewals to International Treasurer: 15th October 2016
  • Deadline for the International Treasurer to give the renewal list to the Directory Team: 20th October 2016
  • Deadline to insert articles from members: 15th October 2016
  • Deadline to insert new members: 15th October 2016 (Deadline for HQ’s to send renewals)
  • Deadline to insert changes: 20th October 2016
  • All renewals after 20th October 2016 will be added in the E-Directory
We remind you that the deadline for renewal is 30th September 2016, after this date your call sign will NOT be in the 2017 directory.
Send your renewal 10€ or 15$ BEFORE 30th September 2016
To 14SD007 Pierrot – World Treasurer
(For divisions that have SD HQ & SD-Mag ask your Coordinator)
Renewal via Paypal

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